It was just a year ago, January 2014, when I came to live in London having no friends, no hobbies and no idea at all of what to do and how to spend creatively my free time. Suddenly DCL came into my life to fulfill it in so many aspects. From the first meetings we became a nit group of people who share the same love for acting and inter-acting. Konstantinos Kavakiotis is with no doubt one of the best acting teachers to work with as he has the unique ability to transfer his passion for theater to his students and encourage them to explore themselves through the acting process. As I remember myself I have always wanted to take acting classes and although I have tried other teachers and approaches in the past, he is the only one that I really trust and want to go further as a member of this group.
Every single part of DCL, from the first improvisations to the performance is a unique experience that you will not only enjoy, but also you will realize so many things about yourself. Don’t miss it! “It’s a play, so let’s play!”